Fulton Market Innovation District Plan


Next Month…

Tthe Department of Planning and Development and 27th Ward Ald. Walter Burnett will co-host a community webinar on DPD's efforts to update the Fulton Market Innovation District Plan or FMID Plan. The webinar will be on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. Registration is now open.

The FMID Plan was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in 2014 to guide land uses and the implementation of public and private projects within the Fulton Market area.

In the years since, there have been several significant planning initiatives and land use changes that have impacted this area.

DPD Central Region planners have drafted a plan update to summarize those initiatives and trends, and to provide updated goals and strategies to guide future growth.

While registering, questions submitted during the registration process will be answered during the webinar. After public feedback has been gathered, DPD will prepare for a presentation at a future Chicago Plan Commission hearing.

Comments and questions can always be directed to DPD@cityofchicago.org.