The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and DPD co-hosted an informational webinar with Ald. Walter Burnett (27th) to update the Near West Side community on the feasibility of a future Metra station and a related track realignment project. WCA fully supports the additional transit in the area as noted in the Metropolitan Planning Council study published in July 2016.
West Loop Parking - Community Meeting presentation - February 13, 2020
MPC/WCA Plan Study Presentation- november 30, 2016
The West Central Association - Chamber of Commerce (WCA) presented a planning study for the new west side at a community meeting on November 30, 2016 at BuiltWorlds. WCA commissioned the Metropolitan Planning Council to provide a land use and parking study of the West Central service area.
The WCA President, Armando Chacon, kicked off the meeting by thanking the over 170 people attending the meeting and those instrumental in making the study possible. WCA was joined by Marisa Novara, Metropolitan Planning Council, Eleanor Gorski, Department of Planning and Development, Alderman Walter Burnett, and representative from Alderman Solis and Alderman Ervin office.

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