West Central Association - Chamber of Commerce

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SK Kitchen Design President Sachin Parikh took some time out of his busy schedule to talk to the West Central Association about why the distributor of Toronto-based Aya Kitchens and Baths’ high quality cabinetry decided to join the WCA.

Who are you?

Sachin Parikh - small business owner, kitchen designer and also Canadian.

How long have you been in the neighborhood?

Frequenting the West Loop area for more than ten years.

Why the West Loop?

(It’s) great for business and fun.

What are your top challenges in growing SK Kitchen Design?

Growing a small business in a competitive market.

Why did you join the West Central?

Exposure to more businesses and networking.

What makes SK Kitchen Design unique?

We provide a great product at a competitive price.

What’s your favorite part of the West Loop?

(The) ability to walk the neighborhood/city with a central location.

What does SK Kitchen Design's future look like?

A growing company with a bright future.

Describe SK Kitchen Design in 140 characters or less

SK Kitchen Design. Chicago-based cabinet design and supply company. Turning your kitchen dreams in to reality!

Bonus Question: Bikes, driving or public transportation? Go.

Bikes for fun, driving for work, public transportation as much as possible! ;-)