NEW MEMBER PROFILE: Forum Financial Management

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Forum Financial Management provides fee-based wealth management and financial planning services for a wide variety of clients. We strive to take the emotions out of investing and counsel clients to avoid making short-sighted moves based on current market conditions. Our goal is to help clients build, manage and preserve their wealth. We believe that a wise approach is to hire an advisor based on trust, confidence, integrity and experience. Read below to learn more about Forum Financial Management.

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Who are you?

Matthew A. Ramos

How long have you been in the neighborhood? 

Three months

Why the West Loop?

The parks (especially the dog parks), great skyline views, fantastic restaurants and access to downtown and Interstate 290.

What are your top challenges in growing your business?

Since I am new to Chicago, my biggest challenge is connecting with people in my neighborhood who might be looking for a financial advisor to help them.

Why did you join the West Central Association?

Since I live in the West Loop, it made sense to join the WCA to begin building relationships.

What makes your business unique?

We have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of our clients. In doing so, we use a globally diversified investment strategy derived from decades of academic research in financial and market theory.

What gets you up in the morning?

Usually my dog, Nicki.

What’s your favorite part of the West Loop?

The skyline views.

What does the future look like?

I will let you know when Amazon delivers my flux capacitor.

Describe your business in 140 characters or less

Forum advisors spend their time getting to know their clients and their families. That is the enduring value of working with an advisor.

Bonus Question: Tell us a fun fact about you or your business! 

I went to Michigan, so I will not wear red. Go Blue!