Instawork is the leading on-demand staffing app for gig workers and hospitality businesses. We seek to create economic opportunity for local professionals and hospitality businesses. The gig marketplace enables local residents to find high paying work fast and helps businesses find quality professionals. Thousands of professionals and partners use Instawork every day across the Bay Area, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Chicago. Read below to learn more about Instawork.
How long have you been in the neighborhood?
Instawork started running its Chicago operations out of [the] West Loop since May 2019!
Why the West Loop?
Hospitality is at the core of what we do. We undoubtedly wanted to situate ourselves in the heart of such a vibrant community that’s become a hub for the hospitality industry.
What are your top challenges in growing Instawork?
Just getting ourselves out there! We’re a new business with a new way of doing things. As a business that’s predicated on people, we’re always seeking opportunities to build meaningful relationships.
Why did you join the West Central?
We joined [the] West Central Association because we wanted to fully immerse ourselves into the community and support our neighbors in any way we can.
What makes Instawork unique?
Instawork strives to be high tech and high touch. Though we are a technology company, we’re in the people business and that’s why we decided to start a local team to help launch Instawork and build those meaningful relationships in Chicago.
What gets you up in the morning?
Our mission gets us up in the morning—to create economic opportunity for local professionals and businesses. It’s invigorating when we know we’re able to help businesses manage that big event without concerns about staffing, and to help professionals find extra opportunities to develop their skills and earn more.
What’s your favorite part of the West Loop?
The liveliness—it’s never a dull moment in the West Loop. We love that we’re able to leave the office and walk into such a bustling neighborhood with so much to do.
What does the future of Instawork look like?
We hope that we’ll be able to continue to expand on our mission to create economic opportunity for local businesses and professionals, globally.
Describe Instawork in 140 characters or less
Instawork helps local businesses quickly fill permanent and temporary openings with the most qualified professionals in their communities.
Bikes, driving or public transportation? Go.
Public transportation!